41;Rhus chinensis, a tree of major economic importance in China, belongs to the Anacardiaceae. It is the summer host of the aphid Melaphis chinensis which produces a leaf gall utilized for medicinal
71;Rehd., Rhus chinensis Mill. and Acer truncatum Bunge in a mesocosm experiment. Nitrogen deposition and AMF inoculation were simulated as environmental and biotic filters respectively.
228;Rhus chinensis pertains to the genus Rhus of the Anacardiaceae family, and is extensively distributed in Asia, including China, and Japan [19]. The fruits are …
20101122;This review highlights claims from traditional and tribal medicinal lore and makes a contemporary summary of phytochemical, biological and pharmacological findings on this plant material to show that the pharmaceutical potential of this plant deserves closer attention. The species Rhus chinensis Mill. (Anacardiaceae) is an important …
11;Rhus chinensis Mill (also known as Rhus semialata Murray, Family Anacardiaceae) is a deciduous underutilized wild edible fruit tree. It is native to China and Japan and distributed in tropical and subtropical regions at an altitude of 1300 to 2400 m asl in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia, Mayamar, Java, Europe, Ceylon, Korea.
81;Introduction “Rhus chinensis Mill.”(synonym: Rhus semialata Murray, Rhus javanica) belonging to the family Anacardiaceae, common name “Nutgall tree” or “Chinese sumac” is a deciduous tree mainly found in China, Japan and North-Eastern parts of India.It is grown abundantly in Manipur, North-East India. The tree bears odd-pinnately …
2024125;A chromosomal-level genome assembly of R. chinensis is reported, providing a genomic resource for the exploration of the underlying mechanisms of plant-galling insect interaction and highlighting the importance of the functional divergence of tandem duplicate genes in the accumulation of secondary metabolites. Rhus chinensis …
2024125;Rhus chinensis Mill., an economically valuable Anacardiaceae species, is parasitized by the galling aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis, resulting in the formation of the Chinese gallnut (CG).Here, we report a chromosomal-level genome assembly of R. chinensis, with a total size of 389.40 Mb and scaffold N50 of 23.02 Mb.Comparative …
11;Rhus chinensis can be propagated through seeds, rooting, and softwood cutting (Jiade and Fengbo, 1994). Tadi (2020) reported that propagation with seeds is a much simpler and easier method for R. Chinensis and best germination can be achieved by presowing treatment with 0.5% dilute sulfuric acid.
61;Rhus chinensis Mill, also known as the Chinese sumac or nutgall tree, is a perennial deciduous shrub that belongs to *Address correspondence to this author at the …
2024125;Rhus chinensis Mill., an economically valuable Anacardiaceae species, is parasitized by the galling aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis, resulting in the formation of the Chinese gallnut (CG).Here, we report a chromosomal-level genome assembly of R. chinensis, with a total size of 389.40 Mb and scaffold N50 of 23.02 Mb.Comparative …
pdf Rhus chinensis moulin - serwis-tir.eu. pdf Rhus chinensis moulin Ladda ner PDF - spotidocLadda ner PDF + BILLBÄCKS PRODUKT KATALOG 2014-2015 BÄSTA KUND, Det tar lång tid att producera ett träd. -pdf Rhus chinensis moulin- ,Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical …Series II and III may be seen by clicking on this link to see a pdf…
201354;The leaves are rich in tannin. They can be collected as they fall in the autumn and used as a brown dye or as a mordant.. A blue dye is obtained from insect galls on the plant, it can also be used as an ink.The galls are formed as a result of damage by the greenfly, Aphis chinensis.The galls contain up to 77% tannin.The reports do not say if …
Introduction 3 “Rhus chinensis Mill.”(synonym: Rhus semialata Murray, Rhus javanica) belonging to the family Anacardiaceae, common name “Nutgall tree” or “Chinese sumac” …
201354;The leaves are rich in tannin. They can be collected as they fall in the autumn and used as a brown dye or as a mordant.. A blue dye is obtained from insect galls on the plant, it can also be used as an ink.The galls are formed as a result of damage by the greenfly, Aphis chinensis.The galls contain up to 77% tannin.The reports do not say if …
The complete chloroplast genome of R. chinensis was assembled with the shot-gun genome skimming method on an Illumina HiSeq4000 platform and successfully annotated 126 genes, including 82 protein-coding genes, 36 tRNAs genes and eight r RNAs genes. Rhus chinensis is a common deciduous tree in the warm temperate zone of eastern Asia, on which Chinese …
910;The Rhus gall aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis uses the species Rhus chinensis as its primary host plant, on which galls are produced. The galls have medicinal properties and can be used in various
Rhus chinensis has long been used by folk medicine practitioners in Asia. Leaves, roots, stem, bark, fruit and particularly the galls on Rhus chinensis leaves, Galla chinensis, are recognized to have preventative and therapeutic effects on different ailments (such as diarrhea, dysentery, rectal and intestinal cancer, diabetes mellitus, sepsis
104;The Rhus gall aphid, Schlechtendalia chinensis , feeds on its primary host plant Rhus chinensis to induce galls, which have economic importance in medicines and the food industry. Rhus gall aphids have a unique life cycle and are economically beneficial but there is huge gap of genomic information about this group of aphids.
SUMMARY. Rhus chinensis Mill., an economically valuable Anacardiaceae species, is parasitized by the galling aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis, resulting in the formation of the Chinese gallnut (CG).Here, we report a chromosomal‐level genome assembly of R. chinensis, with a total size of 389.40 Mb and scaffold N50 of 23.02 Mb.Comparative …
Rehd., Rhus chinensis Mill. and Acer truncatum Bunge in a mesocosm experiment. Nitrogen deposition and AMF inoculation were simulated as environmental and biotic filters respectively.
20101122;INTRODUCTION. Rhus chinensis belongs to the genus Rhus and the Family Anacardiaceae (Miller et al., 2001).Commonly called sumac, Rhus consists of approximately 250 individual species of flowering plants, with six species found (four endemics) in China. Like most sumacs, Rhus chinensis is a dioecious shrub that can …
Noteworthy Characteristics. Rhus chinensis, commonly called Chinese sumac, Chinese gall or nutgall tree, is an open-spreading large shrub or small tree that grows to 15-25’ tall. Pinnately compound leaves with 7-13 toothed leaflets (each 2-5” long). Petiole is often winged. Leaflets are bright green above and brown pubescent beneath.
@article{Xu2024PolyphenolrichEO, title={Polyphenol-rich extract of Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis Mill.) fruits and its main component decrease in vitro starch digestibility of bread: Exploring the potential mechanisms from the perspective of molecular interactions}, author={Xingrui Xu and Lixin Ding and Yishan Fu and Yanfei Wang and Shengbao
2014831;Ethanol extracts were obtained from Rhus chinensis Mill (RCM) leaves and used for antioxidant and antigenotoxic activity assays. IC50 values in DPPH assays were 15.96, 18.83, 20.43, 27.93, 37.43, 46.21, and 141.84 μg/mL for TPP, IPE, LLE, Vc, CE, BHT, and Trolox. Similar results were obtained using ABTS and FRAP assays. In vivo …